Sunday, September 17, 2006


AI Shines Light On Hezbollah's War Crimes

Something Weird This Way Comes: Jules Crittendon writes in the Boston Herald that Amnesty International acknowledges Hezbollah war crimes in Lebanon:
AI did not address the issue of an estimated 1,000 Lebanese civilians killed when Israel attacked Hezbollah fighting and command positions that had been established within populated villages, or the use of civilian vehicles, buildings and clothing by Hezbollah fighters, who also sometimes fought in Israeli uniforms. That is still the subject of investigation, and AI announced those issues, unlike the Hezbollah violations, are too complex for immediate comment. Readers will recall that perceived Israeli transgressions were what attracted the most attention and condemnation during the Lebanon conflict, and that those occurences were largely presented as Israel’s fault. It will be interesting to see if AI attempts to sort out how many of those 1,000 were actually Hezbollah guerrillas, and how many cases of "Israeli" attacks on civilian buildings and vehicles -- such as ambulances -- were staged Hezbollah propaganda events, and in some cases, if the dead were actually dead, or play-acting, or being recounted and shuffled around.
I wonder how the world can honestly determine how many genuine deaths in Lebanon are attributable to evil Zionist intent given the rampant staging of scenes by Hezbo propagandists. That's not just a shame, that's a crime: the innocent may be denied justice because the world knows Hezbollah propaganda cries wolf. The Israelis are all too familiar with real massacres to ever manufacture them; that's the Islamofascists' clumsily transparent specialty, specifically designed to inflate their grievances so as to justify their barbarity against modern civilization.

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