Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Sullivan Unhinged

Uses Marines' Kidnappings/Murders To Snipe At Bush, Argue For Terrorists' Rights

Andrew Sullivan hides behind the looming murders of two American Marines in order to take another lily-livered shot at President Bush. Sullivan knew what everyone else knew as soon as those soldiers were kidnapped in Iraq: that they would most certainly be tortured before they were beheaded. Conversely, everyone else knew what Sullivan would say: that the terrorists' monstrous acts were Bush's fault because he refused to give captured terrorists full rights under the Geneva Convention. You can almost hear St. Andrew Of The Sacred Heartache's voice quaking with feigned maudlin anger:
Pray for the safe rescue of the soldiers - and for the president who abandoned Geneva.
What a bloviating dishonest prick. Sullivan doesn't honestly believe that, if only the terrorists were protected by Geneva, they wouldn't have kidnapped, tortured, killed and then booby-trapped the bodies of those two heroic Marines. That's simply what Sullivan wants his readers to plug into their own worthless diatribes. What a shameless, dishonest, preening, snivelling asshole. I dare the little puke to say any such thing to the faces of these mens' families and loved ones.

Headmistress SondraK has a message for the Snivellin One and his putrid ilk, and a wish for the bereaved families:
Anyone who, from now on forward, brings up how any of our war prisoners have been or are treated (yes, even by the convicted Abu Graib retards)....brings up the Geneva Conventions or uses the words Illegal War should be removed from civilized society and be treated as the sociopaths that they are.

May the families and loved ones of Pfc. Kristian Menchaca and Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker someday find some peace from the terror and pain that they must be feeling right now.
I've never linked to Andrew Sullivan until today, and I never will again. His obscene moral-equivalence, outrage-for-traffic stunts are best left to fester on their own. Instead I'll simply direct you to what other sane people are saying about him.
Dan Riehl
Gay Patriot

When will people stop calling this guy a conservative? He's sounds eerily similar to a liberal to me.
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