Monday, June 19, 2006


Murtha: Conduct War On Terror From Okinawa; Okinawans Not So Sure

Jeff Goldstein concludes from Tim Russert's interview of John Murtha that even Murtha doesn't quite know what he means anymore. Nancy Pelosi might just want to tap Murtha on the shoulder as she did William Jefferson.

John Hinderaker sums it up nicely at Power Line:
Mad Jack Murtha has been exposed, I think. I think the real significance of Murtha's Okinawa blunder is that it reveals the unseriousness of his concept of "redeployment." Remember how, when Republicans characterized Murtha's proposal as "cut and run," Murtha and other Democrats reacted angrily? No, no, they said: the proposal is to "redeploy" our troops where they would be ready to return to Iraq if necessary. Murtha's casual and obviously half-baked suggestion that our troops could be stashed in Okinawa confirms that "redeployment" was always a fraud. Murtha's proposal (and the Democrats') is cut and run, pure and simple.

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