Friday, May 19, 2006


What Do Gitmo People Do All Day?

Events converged around the subject of the Guantanamo Bay "detainee center" (a Caribbean resort for aspiring Islamofascist martyrs) today when prisoners faked a suicide attempt to draw American guards into an ambush.
The officials called Thursday's clash the most intense outbreak of violence at the jail for foreign terrorism suspects at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, since it opened in January 2002.

Six prisoners were treated for "minor injuries" and none of the U.S. guards was seriously hurt after the fight pitting 10 inmates against 10 U.S. guards, the officials said. The fight ended only after guards blasted detainees five times with a 12 gauge shotgun shooting rubber balls and used a grenade launcher that shot a blunt rubber object, officials said.

While guards were putting down the fight, detainees in nearby cells began rioting, destroying cameras used to monitor them, fans, florescent lights and other property, officials said.
I fully expect the Gitmo prisoners to attempt escape by whatever means possible, as do their captors. So when they do try, they should fully expect to get their asses kicked if not killed. And no, there are no mitigating circumstances, so I admire the Americans' restraint.

The privileges these prisoners enjoyed prior to their indiscretions are now history for them and for their colleagues, as they should be.

On the same day, grotesque irony: a UN creation dubbed the Committee Against Torture demanded today that the US close Gitmo and do whatever with the detainees. Committee Against Torture member states include Senegal, Egypt, Chile, Cypress, Equador, Russia and China, inveterate human rights violators all.

I love the ideological brinkmanship.

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