Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Trouble In Paradise

It began in early May. Iranian President ActMadInJihad and his monsters-in-arms are experiencing domestic problems from the growing ranks of an angry population they can no longer control without violence. The best coverage is coming from Gateway Pundit.

President Bush knows full well that the collapse of the Islamist terror-sponsoring regime there would place Iran squarely in America's corner, with all that portends. I'm hoping he is doing everything possible to bring that about. A liberated Iran would put the fascist mullahs on trial for a multitude of heinous crimes and pull the financial and ideological plugs on Islamists throughout the Middle East. It also might well dry up the terror in Iraq.

Iran says it's impervious to meddling from the Great Satan. Let's just see about that.

Meanwhile, here's the latest in Islamist chic from Silent Running:

He's So Sexy.

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