Tuesday, April 25, 2006


That Is One BIG Nutshell

ALLAHPUNDIT has the whole story laid out in CIA Leak: A Blog Primer.

And while the NY Times, WaPo and the MSM generally wish it would go away, it's only going to get bigger, as Thomas Joscelyn reveals. Using one single example from the Times, Joscelyn demonstrates the coming tidal wave of prevarications, omissions and outright falsehoods the MSM will employ to lionize Mary McCarthy.

Why are they doing this?

My new Daily Standard column, which builds on my blog posts concerning the whole Mary McCarthy matter, is now up. While there is some doubt surrounding the exact reasons for the CIA's termination of Mary McCarthy at this point, there is no doubt that the media has been quick to lionize her. On Sunday, for example, The New York Times ran a ridiculous piece that argued McCarthy had an "independent streak" because she challenged the Clinton administration on its decision to destroy a Sudanese pharmaceutical plant named al-Shifa.

I say that the Times piece was ridiculous because the Old Grey Lady left out or spun nearly every salient fact surrounding the matter. Now, I realize that the strike on al-Shifa was controversial. Many public commentators to this day insist that the strike was a mistake. Christopher Hitchens made this
argument for Slate yesterday. But, as I point out in my Daily Standard piece, the public discussion of the events in August 1998 has been quite lacking. The New York Times, in particular, has made no real attempt to understand the facts of the matter.
It would be more accurate to say that the Times has made no real attempt to present the facts of the al-Shifa matter to its readers. Also, I believe the Times understands the facts of the McCarthy scandal, and their implications for the Times, WaPo, Priest, et al, only too well. These actors have no real interest in saving Mary McCarthy's hide; she is simply the present means by which they hope to save their own.

The MSM wants the world to believe it is mounting a Woodstein-style campaign to expose the evils of the Bush White House, but there's a new player in town: the Blogosphere. And as the blogs showed with Dan Rather, John F'n Kerry, notorious liar Joe Wilson and others of their ilk, the Old Media can no longer lie, obfuscate and ignore facts with impunity. In fact, there can be no question that the Old Media has become a huge part of the problem of organized sabotage against the Bush White House, and I predict it's going to come back to hurt them repeatedly and badly. So does Christopher Hitchens:

It was obvious from the first that the press, in taking Wilson and Plame at their own estimation, was fashioning a rod for its own back. I await the squeals that will follow when this rod is applied, which it will be again and again.
And it should all hit full stride just in time for the November elections.


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