Monday, April 17, 2006


On The Enemy's Side

The more the Iranian mullahs and their front madman emulate Hitler's Nazis, rattle their swords and defy the world, the more the antiwar-at-any-cost idiot left defends them.

From The Opinionnation ("There are no stupid questions; Only stupid people"), today's facts of life followed by the question the mealymouthed left refuses to directly answer.

Dear Reality, Wake the Left up
-Iran refuses diplomacy:
houses top Al Qaeda leaders.
-Iran refuses peace:They refuse Russian compromise.
-Iran defies diplomacy: breaks IAEA seals.
-Iran defies diplomacy: Iran given 30 days to suspend enrichment.
-Iran refuses diplomacy: Enriches Uranium.
-Iran refuses diplomacy: tests secret weapons.
-Iran refuses diplomacy: vows to continue WMD program.
-Iran refuses diplomacy: 40,000 suicide bombers ready to kill Americans.
-Iran refuses diplomacy:Claims Israel will be annihilated by nuclear blast.
-Iran refuses diplomacy: Calls for Israel to be wiped off the map .

"A nuclear armed Iran is an unacceptable risk to the national security of the United States and our allies in the region.” –John Kerry

-Memo to those who think diplomacy and negotiation is plausible with a country that is unwilling to negotiate and refuses diplomacy: It does not work, it will not work and it’s impossible. Whose side are you on?

Hell, anyone who is at all honest can answer that: our enemy's.

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