Wednesday, March 08, 2006
U of Sophistication
They didn't have the guts to publish the Muhammed cartoons, but then it didn't take guts for the University of Saskatchewan student newspaper to print this:

It just takes a couple of idiots.
Recently departed editor-in-chief Will Robbins, who resigned from the paper on Sunday, further insulted the community's intelligence by calling the publication of the cartoon an "accidental foul-up". In other words, he doesn't want to take responsibility for his decisions. That won't look good on his resumé.
This incident perfectly illustrates the beauty of unfettered freedom of speech. It allows people to express themselves and go on the record for all to bear witness. I celebrate the rights of the good folks at the Sheath and disagree with those who would have censored the cartoon or want those responsible for its publication charged with hate crimes. That would just be stupid and unproductive, as it could have the effect of stifling expression, which could in turn prevent me from knowing what the idiots are thinking. That would be the real crime.
FYI: Here is the Sheaf's editorial policy from their web site:
The Managing Editor(s) have the right to veto any submission they deem unfit for the Society newspaper. In determining this they will decide if the article or artwork would be of interest to a significant portion of the society and benefit the welfare of the readers. The Sheaf will not publish any racist, sexist, homophobic, or libelous material.
It may, however, occasionally publish tard-rendered anti-Judeo-Christian, anti-capitalist, idiot-left tripe. And in this case as in so many others, there is indeed homophobia at work here: no-one uses homosexual motifs to attack others as does the left. And it shouldn't be hard to spot the ever-present anti-Semitism.
Further thoughts from Kate at SDA:
Now, time to take this issue down another tangent - so far the controversy has been limited to the offense given to Christians. That raises an interesting, and as yet, unasked question - When are the cartoonists going to be called on the carpet to explain the hatred directed at so-called "capitalists"?
The premise that "capitalism=bad" and that any group, any individual, any religion should have to disassociate themselves from business to attain moral purity is an intellectual embarrassment to begin with. But the cartoon goes one step further - in choosing a pig to represent the businessman, they have chosen the time honored progaganda tool of dehumanization.
That these small-minded refugees of Marxism are receiving a heavily subsidized education at an institution funded by tax revenues generated in large part by the very "capitalists" they would portray as pigs, just adds injury to insult.
Instead of hauling them before the Human Rights Commission, or calling for a wholesale purge at the Sheaf, I'd suggest a not-so-gentle push towards a little moral purity of their own - by removing the stench of "capitalism/consumerism" from their university education. Allow the enlightened to demonstrate the courage of their left-wing convictions. Present them with an invoice for the total cost of their education to date, adjust tuition to cover 100% of the costs, and cut off of any tax-funded student loans.
Something tells me the artist Y!th and his defenders at the U of S would find that a little too hard to 'swallow'.
H/T: Small Dead Animals
The eeeevil Michelle Malkin

It just takes a couple of idiots.
Recently departed editor-in-chief Will Robbins, who resigned from the paper on Sunday, further insulted the community's intelligence by calling the publication of the cartoon an "accidental foul-up". In other words, he doesn't want to take responsibility for his decisions. That won't look good on his resumé.
This incident perfectly illustrates the beauty of unfettered freedom of speech. It allows people to express themselves and go on the record for all to bear witness. I celebrate the rights of the good folks at the Sheath and disagree with those who would have censored the cartoon or want those responsible for its publication charged with hate crimes. That would just be stupid and unproductive, as it could have the effect of stifling expression, which could in turn prevent me from knowing what the idiots are thinking. That would be the real crime.
FYI: Here is the Sheaf's editorial policy from their web site:
The Managing Editor(s) have the right to veto any submission they deem unfit for the Society newspaper. In determining this they will decide if the article or artwork would be of interest to a significant portion of the society and benefit the welfare of the readers. The Sheaf will not publish any racist, sexist, homophobic, or libelous material.
It may, however, occasionally publish tard-rendered anti-Judeo-Christian, anti-capitalist, idiot-left tripe. And in this case as in so many others, there is indeed homophobia at work here: no-one uses homosexual motifs to attack others as does the left. And it shouldn't be hard to spot the ever-present anti-Semitism.
Further thoughts from Kate at SDA:
Now, time to take this issue down another tangent - so far the controversy has been limited to the offense given to Christians. That raises an interesting, and as yet, unasked question - When are the cartoonists going to be called on the carpet to explain the hatred directed at so-called "capitalists"?
The premise that "capitalism=bad" and that any group, any individual, any religion should have to disassociate themselves from business to attain moral purity is an intellectual embarrassment to begin with. But the cartoon goes one step further - in choosing a pig to represent the businessman, they have chosen the time honored progaganda tool of dehumanization.
That these small-minded refugees of Marxism are receiving a heavily subsidized education at an institution funded by tax revenues generated in large part by the very "capitalists" they would portray as pigs, just adds injury to insult.
Instead of hauling them before the Human Rights Commission, or calling for a wholesale purge at the Sheaf, I'd suggest a not-so-gentle push towards a little moral purity of their own - by removing the stench of "capitalism/consumerism" from their university education. Allow the enlightened to demonstrate the courage of their left-wing convictions. Present them with an invoice for the total cost of their education to date, adjust tuition to cover 100% of the costs, and cut off of any tax-funded student loans.
Something tells me the artist Y!th and his defenders at the U of S would find that a little too hard to 'swallow'.
H/T: Small Dead Animals
The eeeevil Michelle Malkin