Friday, March 03, 2006


Smalley Interrupted

Air America has lost its Phoenix and Missoula affiliates (wow, who coulda seen that comin'?), and their New York City flagboat station, the Big Doggie, WLIB-AM will soon abandon Air America programming.

That's right: WLIB has succumbed to the Rovian Mind-Ray.

While Air America Radio's loss of two affiliates is generating news this week, the company itself probably hasn't been able to give either city a second thought.

Why? In a development sure to rip the heart right out of the liberal radio network's already ailing body, it appears extremely likely their leased New York City flagship station WLIB-AM will soon abandon Air America programming.

Even worse, litigation looks probable over the station's lease.

While the network's last day on WLIB isn't known for certain, an internal source providing backing documentation points to the end of March. At this time, Air America parent Piquant LLC has no firm back-up plan for where in the nation's largest radio market its programming will now air.

Some inside the firm are already referring to WLIB in the past tense.

You go, Stuart Smalley.

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