Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Random Notes
The Palestinians have been cursed with the worst leadership imaginable, but the fault is theirs. If they wonder why they are no longer welcome in Iraq, they should recall their enthusiasm for one of the twentieth century's more brutal tyrants and their assistance in keeping him in power. Their choices have led them once again to someone else's border, begging for relief, and their history will keep anyone with an ounce of sense from letting them inside.
And predictably, the EU shows no sense whatsoever.
John Hinderaker points out the enormous holes in Jennifer Loven's
Again from Power Line, this time on "the work of zealots rather than scholars", based on "extraordinarily weak evidence." No surprise that the left is all afoam at the piehole about their latest propaganda heroes, who proffer a version of the left's "rape defense" on behalf of Islamic terror; in this case, if only America would stop its dalliances with the Zionists, the forces of hatred aligned against Israel wouldn't be so upset and universally genocidal. (Palestinians, Hezbollah, Hamas, al Qaeda, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the U.N.)
More on the many friends of Yale's Taliban Man, by John Fund:
Author Sebastian Junger reports from Afghanistan in the current Vanity Fair on the atrocities the Taliban are committing today. They include skinning a man alive and leaving him to die in the sun. Another man was forced to watch as his wife was gang-raped. Then his eyes were put out, so that the horrific crime would be the last image he would ever see. The relatives of U.S. soldiers killed in action in Afghanistan are likewise appalled. "It's not like the Taliban ever signed a peace treaty," Natalie Healy, the mother of a Navy SEAL killed by a Taliban rocket last year, told me. "They're still killing Americans."Roger Simon notes:
Fund raises the spectre of Paul de Man, the famous leader of deconstructionism, who rose to prominence on the Ivy League faculty while hiding his Nazi past. Ironically, the cultural relativisim behind that theory is the very idea that has so permeated [Yale] that all world views, including the Taliban's extremist Islam, are welcome. Also ironic is the fact that in terms of sheer numbers of adherents extremist Islam is far more successful today than Nazism ever was.
Christopher Hitchens swoops down on the idiots again in The Stone Face Of Zarqawi:
By "anyone," I'm sure Hitch means anyone employing real intellectual rigor as opposed to your typical Kosturbator.Everybody now has their own scenario for the war that should have been fought three years ago. The important revelations in "Cobra II," by Michael Gordon and Bernard Trainor, about the underestimated reserve strength of the Fedayeen Saddam, give us an excellent picture of what the successor regime to the Baath Party was shaping up to be: an Islamized para-state militia ruling by means of vicious divide-and-rule as between the country's peoples. No responsible American government could possibly have allowed such a contingency to become more likely. We would then have had to intervene in a ruined rogue jihadist-hosting state that was already in a Beirut-like nightmare.
Absent federal democracy and power-sharing, there will not just be anarchy and fragmentation and thus a moral victory for jihadism, but opportunist interventions from Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. (That vortex, by the way, is what was waiting to engulf Iraq if the coalition had not intervened, and would have necessitated an intervention later but under even worse conditions.) There are signs that many Iraqi factions do appreciate the danger of this, even if some of them have come to the realization somewhat late. The willingness of the Kurdish leadership in particular, to sacrifice for a country that was gassing its people until quite recently, is beyond praise...
How can anyone, looking down the gun-barrel into the stone face of Zarqawi, say that fighting him is a "distraction" from fighting al Qaeda?
And here's Hitchens on what the world community should have said in the leadup to OIF. Coulda woulda shoulda, but why shouldn't Hitchens be able to play the same game the left plays? And he certainly speaks for me:
Well, if everyone else is allowed to rewind the tape and replay it, so can I. We could have been living in a different world, and so could the people of Iraq, and I shall go on keeping score about this until the last phony pacifist has been strangled with the entrails of the last suicide-murderer.
The Foreign Military Studies Office web site has released more of the Iraq Papers and can use help translating from the Arabic into English. Any Arab-speaking individuals or groups interested in helping uncover the truth about Saddam?
Red America is here now, starring the eeevil Ben Domenech. Media Natters is whining. I wonder if the Post.com will have to close RA's comments section to keep out the vermin?
UPDATE: Domenech has been exposed as a plagiarist.
Here's one of the reasons you go to war against Islamofascism rather than demanding special rights for its practitioners. And here's Michelle Malkin interviewing The Mother Of All Idiots, who still hasn't figured it out.
The U.N. sanctions dhimmitude, slams Denmark:

Big mistake. Huge.
Hey, Morons, It's a Fucking Desert by Ace
Very funny recap of a General trying not to lose his fucking mind briefing reporters about Operation Swarmer.
Terrorist-huggers answer the cattlecall:
In Greece, activists pledged to "continue until we see the last general running for a helicopter on the roof of the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad," through a statement in the Stop the War Alliance website.
Stop The War Alliance ignores the fate of the millions more who would be slaughtered, as followed the very moment in Vietnamese history that statement invokes. What does it take to reach these people?
Doddering fencepost Helen Thomas gave a speech today and a White House press conference broke out. Bush has to continue to counter the absurd lies spewed by the likes of Thomas. Aaahh, but you gotta love that old...coot.
Richard Belzer, idiot.
Civil War/Not A Civil War:
If the civil strife in post-liberation Iraq matched that of real civil war in Bosnia ten years ago, there would be 650,000 Iraqi fatalities per year – say 1800 dead Iraqis a day from “sectarian strife” to match the average death rate of Bosnia Herzegovina’s civil war.
Note to MSM: here's the REAL civil war. I know, you can't hang it on Dubya, but it's time to start practising for when you won't have him as an excuse for propagandizing Rather™ than reporting.
I've never known Glenn Reynolds to go on for so long in one sitting, but in fairness he is talking about what would have been the thickest tome ever published if only everyone hadn't already seen the whole fucking movie ten times over: Failed Antiwar Predictions.