Tuesday, February 07, 2006



The memorial service held today for Coretta Scott King was, to no-one's surprise, besmirched by the sad spectacle of idiot weaklings hijacking the occasion to take political shots at President Bush. Nothing, not a Supreme Court Judicial nomination hearing, not the State Of The Union Address, not even a solemn memorial to an American hero, is immune from the idiots' relentless war on civility if even a sacred ritual, in this case the Coretta Scott King memorial service, presents to the left an opportunity to bash George W. Bush; even Jimmy Carter and Joseph Lowery can't hide their powerlessness, their anger, their selfishness. The result was that these classless assholes used the departed Mrs. King to engage in the same old juvenile venality they always eventually resort to.

In contrast, President Bush had the class to hug and shake hands with Lowery.

Stop The ACLU:
Leave it to the liberals to use the funeral of a Civil Rights leader to preach their Bush hatred. It isn’t even shocking how low they will go now. Absolutely shameful how the race baiters have no respect for the dead, and used this as a political platform.

Junk Yard Blog:
To Carter, to Revs. Jackson and Sharpton, I would like to say thank you. Thank you all for disabusing the rest of the nation that you and your party retain any soul or capacity toward good will.

The Anchoress was not surprised:
No, none of it was surprising. It was not surprising that President Bush went, knowing - as he had to know - that a few opportunists and insecure old men would try to take their shots in an attempt to ingratiate the rabble and make the news shows. It was not surprising that both President Bushes spoke with class and humility. It was not surprising that Bill Clinton got the room rocking, and got just a little dramatic, as ever, appealing to the emotions -and he does it very well. It was not surprising that Hillary stood there nodding before plodding. It wasn’t even surprising to me that Hillary got to speak last - in essence giving her the “keynote” spot. In a crowd for whom everything is political and everything is calculated, that was completely predictable.
It's not surprising ... but it is sad that the Left cannot allow a single moment to pass without partisan rancor marring what could have been a marvelous bipartisan show of unity, in respect for a woman who deserved it.

Thanks for the link, I'd love to exchange sidebar links with you. Let me know, thanks, Jay
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