Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Random Notes

From Clifford May at The Corner:
My organization, the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, has just put up on its website, video tapes of torture and murder conducted under Saddam Hussein' regime. Be warned: The material is graphic and horrific. But as Saddam's trial resumes, the public has a right to know what crimes were committed and to see some of the evidence. This has not been possible for those whose primary news sources have been such features as Katie Couric interviewing Ramsey Clarke about the demonizing of Saddam.

Signals Intelligence For Dummies
NRO's Andrew C. McCarthy examines the points of Bush's Kansas State University speech addressing the not-domestic-spying non-scandal:

The president presented his defense with great confidence and with good reason. Not only does he have strong arguments in his favor. It was also worth noting that, though he spent nearly an hour after the speech taking questions from the crowd of 9,000 students and other spectators, there was not a single question about the NSA program.

This "scandal" obviously piques the interest of the media. But what if they throw a scandal and nobody shows up?

Pandora's Box
BlogsOfWar has a nice little arthouse film put together by the folks who, according to the idiot left, should be protected by the US Constitution and their so-called but undefined International Law. This is the sort of madness they would protect in their fever to find some kind, any kind, of victory over George W. Bush. As the Islamofascist threat continues to grow, these anti-Bush-at-any-cost idiots, traitors to my freedoms, are more and more simply themselves The Enemy.

The Idiot Left's New Mantra
Sounds like the perfect word to describe the feminization of reason that occurs after one caves to the toxic brew of disingenuousness, wishful thinking and mindless hatred that defines the left: Matriotism!

Iran's Final Act
AJ Strata has thoughts on the coming demise of the Iranian regime and the speed with which it must be destroyed.
Earlier this month, Iran's Revolutionary Guards conducted a conference on the use of weapons of mass destruction - nuclear, chemical and biological. Included in those briefings were presentations on electromagnetic pulse weapons and other military technologies deemed to be under development for use against the U.S., rather than Israel or other enemies of the Islamic republic. Even one nuclear weapon, used in an EMP-style attack on the U.S., would prove catastrophic to the nation, a congressional panel studying the vulnerability of America to electro-magnetic pulse weapons concluded last year.

Such an attack would not require Iran to use long-range or intercontinental ballistic missiles, which it does not possess. But a simple Scud missile, with a nuclear warhead, could be fired from offshore and detonated above the U.S. wreaking near total devastation on the country's technological, electrical and transportation infrastructure. It would also have the advantage of offering Iran a degree of plausible deniability, given that terrorists armed with one nuclear weapon could achieve the same results.

Don't Get Up- We'll Let Ourselves In!
According to Regnum Crucis, that Hellfire missile attack on the Damadola Dinner Party (today's special: Khabab) was an overwhelming success. The final count is eight al Qaeda biggies, including two local Pakistani high-level facilitators. Praise Allah and thanks to AJ Strata.

Stuck On Stupid (and Dishonest)
More from Regnum Crucis, this time on the dishonesty and intellectual bankruptcy of the idiot left's favourite blogger, the Daily Kos, who as usual is comparing his government to today's real fascists:
Now I don't think he really believes all of this (if he does then he seriously underestimates the kind of society bin Laden envisions), because if he did think that there was no difference between his political opponents and a totalitarian movement he wouldn't be calling for their electoral defeat, he'd be calling for people to take up arms to overthrow them. Either that or he's too much of a moral and intellectual coward to come to grips with the true implications of his argument.

I'd choose the latter, but there is one other possible "Or": he'd have had his head sawed off for expressing himself against his opponents. Fortunately for Mr. Screw 'Em, that hasn't happened, because he is still free to lead the idiots. In case Kos needs some perspective, and he damned sure does, I refer him to this item, which may jog his memory.

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