Wednesday, January 11, 2006


The Gathering Storm

Iran's leaders have removed the IAEA seals from their nuclear enrichment facilities and the Indiana ANG 122nd wing is being deployed to Southwest Asia.

President Bush will not allow the Iranians to develop a nuclear weapon, not by any means, period. He especially won't roll with a pennyfarthing missile-delivered nuclear bomb being exploded in the upper atmosphere over perhaps Europe, the subsequent electromagnetic pulse rendering useless all electronics on that continent. It's cheap as dirt, and it appears to be in Iran's plans.

Consider the implications.

Iran's leaders have not just stepped over the line of credibility; they have underestimated Bush's seriousness. They obviously expect to develop a nuclear weapon before the world stops them. They are daring the world to intervene and betting it won't. We saw this with Hitler. The answer must be a massive and relentless cauterizing of Iranian nuclear capability for the foreseeable future. That means bombing them from the air without rest, until they are done like dinner.

Only the Americans will address that matter, the rest of the world fettered by Europeanism.

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