Friday, December 16, 2005


The Thing That Never Happened

It's The Thing That Never Happened. The Iraqi election was decided by a huge turnout of voters, some eleven million, so many that the polls were kept open an extra hour.

So where does it play in the New York Times? Nowhere.

Where does it play in the Washington Post? Nowhere.

Any leftist idiots care to bitch about MSM bias?

UPDATE: Read Austin Bay. NYT, WAPO and the LA Times have all weighed in, in typically negative fashion. The good news is that it will all be on the record.

We don't bother to bitch with idiots like you. You cannot win a contest with a moron because it just makes him cry. You are such a fuckin' loser. I hope your family goes to Iraq and gets killed. That would be appropriate birth control.

Try to show up sober and happy next time, shorty.
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