Monday, December 05, 2005


I Love The Opinion Journal

Opinion Journal's James Taranto has collected a bracing roster of articles for Wednesday, November 30, 2005. A few days old as I write this, most if not all of the issues therein will have implications for the future. To whit:

-In 'Truth Speaking to Power'(no link; scroll down)Gary Hart joins the revolving list of John F'n Kerry enablers; the cut-and-run crowd call for absolute surrender;
-'It Is Unclear Whether the Anonymous Quotes Are Authentic' - the LA Times' treatment of the Iraq media-propaganda story reflects its own considerable immersion in that black art;
-The MoveOn Coverup has much the same effect as the LAT piece, revealing the willingness of the left to employ the very tactics it dishonestly ascribes to the Right. F***ing hypocrites all, as I've correctly pointed out before. And so justice prevails for these hateful miscreants.
-Terrorists Are Such Ingrates! Four anti-war idiots stand to lose their lives to Islamofascist murderers in the propaganda war raging in and emanating from Iraq, and all the usual suspects are actually blaming Dubya.

There's more, so read it all or you're not doing your homework.

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