Saturday, November 19, 2005
Short Takes
Former FBI Director Louis Freeh has some harsh criticisms of the 9/11 Commission's mishandling of Able Danger, including Commission member Jamie Gorelick's conflict of interest as the architect of the infamous Wall that prevented the sharing with the FBI of Able Danger's information on the 9/11 highjackers prior to the attacks.
"So What?", asks Andrew McCarthy on the latest Andrew Sullivan "filled with heartache at such gobsmacking vileness" torture fever:
In the history of American wars, we have always taken prisoners. Most of them have unremarkably been held without charge since the point of holding them is not to charge them but to prevent them from rejoining the war. They have unremarkably been held without a definite date for the concusion of their detention because, at the time of capture, we don't know when wars will end (a German soldier taken prisoner in 1942 had no idea whether the Second World War would end in 1943, 1945, 1955 or any time in between). Why that state of affairs should suddenly, in this war, be deemed some kind of monumental abuse is mystifying.
As are most of Andrew Sullivan's hysterical girlyfits. Or so I understand.
Victor Davis Hansen points out the intellectually dishonest and morally reprehensible nature of the Bush Lied lies coming from the left.
Speaking of intellectually dishonest and morally reprehensible, John F'n Kerry serves as a reminder to those of us who can recall Great Lies Of The Past in this historic address to West Point by WFB.
The Democrats' Plan for Iraq, at least prior to tonight's vote:

(Photoshop stolen from Little Green Footballs)
Meanwhile, Frank J. has the story on Light Blogging At InstaPundit
"So What?", asks Andrew McCarthy on the latest Andrew Sullivan "filled with heartache at such gobsmacking vileness" torture fever:
In the history of American wars, we have always taken prisoners. Most of them have unremarkably been held without charge since the point of holding them is not to charge them but to prevent them from rejoining the war. They have unremarkably been held without a definite date for the concusion of their detention because, at the time of capture, we don't know when wars will end (a German soldier taken prisoner in 1942 had no idea whether the Second World War would end in 1943, 1945, 1955 or any time in between). Why that state of affairs should suddenly, in this war, be deemed some kind of monumental abuse is mystifying.
As are most of Andrew Sullivan's hysterical girlyfits. Or so I understand.
Victor Davis Hansen points out the intellectually dishonest and morally reprehensible nature of the Bush Lied lies coming from the left.
Speaking of intellectually dishonest and morally reprehensible, John F'n Kerry serves as a reminder to those of us who can recall Great Lies Of The Past in this historic address to West Point by WFB.
The Democrats' Plan for Iraq, at least prior to tonight's vote:

(Photoshop stolen from Little Green Footballs)
Meanwhile, Frank J. has the story on Light Blogging At InstaPundit