Wednesday, November 30, 2005
John F'n Kerry, Pathological Liar
Here's John Kerry commenting on Bush's speech to the Naval Academy:
"Every troop I've met in Iraq comes up to me and says, 'Thanks for speaking out on this.'"
ABP answers:
Um, not quite. I know one that didn't. His name is Captain David Rozelle, author of the inspiring book Back In Action. In the book Rozelle, who was returning to America after having his foot amputated because of a roadside bomb in Iraq laid by terrorists, recounts his meeting with John Kerry who also happened to be on the airplane home. Kerry said, "I don't support the war, but I appreciate your service".
As you know if you read the book, that comment did not sit well with Captain Rozelle (who is now back commanding troops in Iraq with an artificial foot), who did not speak with Kerry the rest of the flight, and most certainly did not thank him for "speaking out".
John F'n Kerry is still lying about American troops forty years after first slandering them.
Kerry's new lies are, to be fair, nuanced: after returning from Vietnam, he slandered the morality of conscripted U.S. troops there trying to do their job there and then get home, accusing those young men and women of all manner of war crimes. This time around, he only lies about their success, morale and resolve. Oh yes, and their leadership.
That's not to say he doesn't lie about anything else; in fact, John F'n Kerry lies about so many things that it's hard to keep up.
The Corner has a possible explanation for Kerry's statement, to which Rich Lowry has added an observation. And here are excerpts from soldiers' e-mails to Jonah Goldberg.
"Every troop I've met in Iraq comes up to me and says, 'Thanks for speaking out on this.'"
ABP answers:
Um, not quite. I know one that didn't. His name is Captain David Rozelle, author of the inspiring book Back In Action. In the book Rozelle, who was returning to America after having his foot amputated because of a roadside bomb in Iraq laid by terrorists, recounts his meeting with John Kerry who also happened to be on the airplane home. Kerry said, "I don't support the war, but I appreciate your service".
As you know if you read the book, that comment did not sit well with Captain Rozelle (who is now back commanding troops in Iraq with an artificial foot), who did not speak with Kerry the rest of the flight, and most certainly did not thank him for "speaking out".
John F'n Kerry is still lying about American troops forty years after first slandering them.
Kerry's new lies are, to be fair, nuanced: after returning from Vietnam, he slandered the morality of conscripted U.S. troops there trying to do their job there and then get home, accusing those young men and women of all manner of war crimes. This time around, he only lies about their success, morale and resolve. Oh yes, and their leadership.
That's not to say he doesn't lie about anything else; in fact, John F'n Kerry lies about so many things that it's hard to keep up.
The Corner has a possible explanation for Kerry's statement, to which Rich Lowry has added an observation. And here are excerpts from soldiers' e-mails to Jonah Goldberg.