Tuesday, November 08, 2005
De Villepinhead To Rioters: France Surrenders
French Prime Napolean Dominique de Villepin has unveiled his plan to mollify the Islamist-led Muslim rioters who have destroyed millions of Euros in private property in Allah's name:
French PM announces raft of measures for riot-hit poor suburbs.
French PM announces raft of measures for riot-hit poor suburbs.
The plan, outlined before parliament, employs the timeless French tradition of surrender even before identifying the attackers' demands. With a nod to France's dream of Israeli appeasement of terrorism to the point of its own destruction, the plan calls for showering the rioters' communities with money, subsidized jobs and special protections against racism(whatever that means), then a waiting period to see what they will destroy prior to the next round of concessions.
LGF notes, "No word on whether similar handouts are planned for those who lost cars and shops at the hands of these poor disaffected youths."
Does anyone else see the parallels with the Israeli/Palestinian "problem"? Apparently yes.
More as it happens.