Saturday, November 19, 2005
"Cowards Cut And Run, Marines Never Do"
So sayeth Rep. Jean Schmidt, R-Ohio, recounting a phonecall she received from a Marine colonel in Iraq in response to Rep. John Murtha's demand yesterday that the U.S. withdraw its forces from Iraq forthwith, a song Murtha has sung before, and which he likes to portray upon every recital as if he has just reached some sort of epiphany. The colonel's comment, delivered during a debate in the House over the question of withdrawal for which the Dems and other antiwar idiots have so fervently campaigned, drew boos from the Democrats, who apparently will even turn on American field commanders in the theater of battle if their reality-based assessments don't jive with the cut-and-run crowd slandering their accomplishments. And so it has come to this, that the Democrats are now shopping for political gain on the backs of the men and women serving and sacrificing in Iraq.
Now Murtha's meanderings have wrought real consequences in the form of an up-or-down Senate vote on Murtha's demands. Answer: 403 to 3 against pulling the troops. Unlike the Iraqis they would abandon to Zarqawi and Al Qaeda, the Democrats don't want to be tested by a vote.
Fucking phonies... the House Dems and their leftist idiot supporters are shallow, treacherous, opportunistic liars. Watch the Dems try to carry on as if everyone still believes their Bush Lied trash. And they'll all leave Murtha twisting in the wind as they try to portray themselves as more moderate than Murtha on a timetable for withdrawal. No matter- they're still just a bunch of lying, prevaricating, mealymouthed cowards.
I missed this terse observation from Ed Morrissey:
Cutting and running is surrender, no matter who proposes it. I don't care if Murtha has a chest full of medals -- telling the national media that American troops can't handle Islamofascist terrorists and must be withdrawn from their range of action is cowardice.
Read it all.
Now Murtha's meanderings have wrought real consequences in the form of an up-or-down Senate vote on Murtha's demands. Answer: 403 to 3 against pulling the troops. Unlike the Iraqis they would abandon to Zarqawi and Al Qaeda, the Democrats don't want to be tested by a vote.
Fucking phonies... the House Dems and their leftist idiot supporters are shallow, treacherous, opportunistic liars. Watch the Dems try to carry on as if everyone still believes their Bush Lied trash. And they'll all leave Murtha twisting in the wind as they try to portray themselves as more moderate than Murtha on a timetable for withdrawal. No matter- they're still just a bunch of lying, prevaricating, mealymouthed cowards.
I missed this terse observation from Ed Morrissey:
Cutting and running is surrender, no matter who proposes it. I don't care if Murtha has a chest full of medals -- telling the national media that American troops can't handle Islamofascist terrorists and must be withdrawn from their range of action is cowardice.
Read it all.