Friday, November 25, 2005

Remember this photo that appeared on the CNN and Netscape websites with the filename "asshole.jpg"? And remember how more such rancor was exposed? And remember how CNN blamed Netscape, who blamed it on some goat they subsequently fired?
Okay, keep that in mind while Bill Quick of Daily Pundit examines the latest occurance of Bush Derangement Syndrome at CNN.
My first reaction to this story was that, while interesting, none of it is any big deal, but I've changed my mind and have concluded that it is a big deal. It's a big deal because CNN is a Big Player and should have what's left of its corporate nuts kicked for allowing the infiltration of its ranks by so many Bush-hating wackos. Antiwar idiots will surely challenge that assertion, as this post deals with a mere three incidents of BDS at only one news organization. But to those DUhllards and Koswits who see a Jeff Gannon manwhore secret agent behind every door to the Oval Office and an Eeeevil Cabal behind every scary Neo-con, I have to say that we have a definite trend happening here. This sort of thing doesn't happen without a friendly environment in which to incubate, which certainly seems to be the case behind the scenes at CNN, despite management's move to define a bad editorial decision as "technical mess-up not an editorial decision".
And that doesn't even take into account the constant stream of on-air garbage that CNN passes off as journalism.

The interesting and, for my money, the most positive thing about Bush Derangement Syndrome is how it attacks a news organization's nervous system once it has gained a foothold on the host. A short list of casualties, some of whom still soldier on despite having been grossly debilitated:
Dan Rather
Mary Mapes
Eason Jordan
Jack Kafferty
Judy Woodruff
Wolf Blitzer
Alan Colmes
Bill Moyers
Arianna Huffington
Aaron Brown
Judy Miller
Chris Matthews
Walter Cronkite
Maureen Dowd
Michael Isikoff
Stuart Smalley
Nicholas Kristof
Paul Krugman
Seymour Hirsch (to be fair, already stricken with something prior to infection)
Bush Derangement Syndrome continues to plow through the ranks of the MSM like a gigantic Chinese industrial spill, and CNN appears to be among the hardest hit.
Some final thoughts from Bill Quick on the differences between MSM and blog reportage.