Wednesday, November 30, 2005
All You Need To Know About DUhllards

That's the left's overwhelming response to Joe Lieberman making sense and supporting President Bush on Iraq. But that unbridled hatred for any success in Iraq, or the larger war against Islamofascism, is these assholes' stock in trade. They hate America, they hate western society, and they're losing.

WASHINGTON (Hartford Courant) -- Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, just back from Iraq, wants President Bush to give the American people details about the progress being made in that country - from military triumphs to the proliferation of cellphones and satellite dishes.
Bush is scheduled to give the nation a progress report on Iraq Wednesday, his first such address since Congress erupted two weeks ago in bitter debate over the war.
Supporters and critics alike have been urging the president to outline his strategy for some time.
...Lieberman, D-Conn., who spent Wednesday and Thursday in Iraq, saw strong evidence that a workable American plan is in place.
"We do have a strategy," he said. "We do have a plan. I saw a strategy that's being implemented."
Lieberman, who is one of Bush's strongest war supporters in the Senate, cited the remarks of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who last month told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee the strategy in Iraq was to "clear, hold and build: to clear areas from insurgent control, to hold them securely and to build durable, national Iraqi institutions."
To the DUhllards, that's just plain eeevil.
Thanks to Wizbang