Thursday, October 06, 2005


Will Chinagate Return To Bite Clinton '08?

The Belmont Club has an in-depth report on a spy story that features a U.S. Marine passing classified information from the FBI to a group of Filipinos plotting a coup against President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (not that there's anything wrong with that!).

Further information (much of it conflicting) is available at the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism and this 2001 Jewish World Review article by Michelle Malkin, who is also following the story.

Captain's Quarters provides a sober second look at ABC News' predictable attempt to tie the Bush/Cheney White House into this story, and in that context Radio Blogger wonders: Do we have another Dan Rather on our hands?

It's likely that this story has ties back to the fundraising scandals in the Clinton White House, which may reflect badly on Hillary! come 2008. We already know that John Kerry's campaign took money from players in the Clinton China-gate scandal; Democrats seem unable to campaign without piles of dirty money flowing into their warchests. Will Hillary! get tarred with the same brush?

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