Friday, October 28, 2005


The Volker Report


The release of the Volker Report on the United Nations Oil-For-Food scandal details the international greedfest that exposed and betrayed North American security in exchange for Saddam Hussein’s viciously-stolen riches. As if the world needed Paul Volker to tell it that the U.N. is a cesspool of corruption and anti-western scheming; it has gotten so insanely ridiculous that the madman in control of Iran has openly sanctioned the destruction of Israel through a Palestinian uprising, and then repeated this baldfaced provocation the very next day. Worse, Kofi Annan expresses dismay that anyone could really mean such a thing, again confirming that he is simply in the way, which he has been from the start of this conflict on September 11, 2001.

Forget the corporate players; they can and will be dealt with. The subject here is the actions of the nation states involved in this affair, especially France, Russia, Germany and China. This is not news at this blog.

What is always newsworthy is the left’s dishonest insistence that the so-called “international community’s” refusal to approve American actions somehow gives it some nebulous moral suasion over America. Ridiculous, but never mind that. What is patently absurd is that these same obstructionists and betrayers of North Americans’ trust are held forth by the idiot left, led once more into the breech by John Kerry, as our willing partners if only Americans will wise up and bend over for a good old Enemy-Collaborator White House in 2008.

Read The Belmont Club:

The fundamental argument against international military action is the supposition that effective alternatives exist to contain rogue states and tyrants. But what if it does not? The Volcker Report essentially describes the history of the decade-long diplomatic battle to proscribe the movements of Saddam Hussein following the Gulf War. It is an account of the unmitigated defeat of the "international community" at the hands of Saddam; not only a defeat but a rout and a surrender. And although the surrender had already taken place, the world was told categorically by the capitulators themselves that they were fighting and winning the good fight against the forces of lawlessness. The problem with September 11 was not that it happened, but that it happened where it could not be ignored; this fact was the virtual third aircraft that crashed into Manhattan that day, striking somewhere in the vicinity of Turtle Bay.

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