Saturday, October 22, 2005
To Ashes
Leftist antiwar idiots are falling all over each other to decry the story of US soldiers cleaning up after the Taliban by burning the bodies of two of their not-covered-by-Geneva terrorist assholes. To add to the idiots' feigned anger, along come the Psy-Ops guys, whose job it is to capitalize on the enemy's psychological sore spots (remember, kiddies, this is war), in this case by taunting nearby terrorist assholes in language they understand. Since, according to their apologists, what the terrorists do does not represent the Religion Of Peace, burning the bodies of terrorist assholes should not be a problem for practitioners of same. That Psy-Ops took advantage of the situation to freak the enemy is simply solid warcraft in my opinion.
Now I know all this will inflame (sorry) the tender sensibilities of all those friends of Islamofascism out there, but as Martha Stewart would say, that's a Good Thing (Martha would also tell the Taliban to pick up their garbage after they get their world-hating asses blown away). Besides, as usual, the left is weak-knee deep in their own hypocrisy: it's a crime to burn the bodies of terrorists left on the battlefield by their cowardly fellow terrorists but, as we all know by now, American contractors can go screw themselves.
Blogs For Bush has an overview of the usual anti-American slant being applied to this tale, and points to Jason Coleman, who offers a non-idiotarian view of the story along with some very interesting facts about the embedded journalists Stephen DuPont and John Martinkus, who filmed and commented about this story.
Euphoric Reality
Bareknuckle Politics
and just for fun, MPAC
Now I know all this will inflame (sorry) the tender sensibilities of all those friends of Islamofascism out there, but as Martha Stewart would say, that's a Good Thing (Martha would also tell the Taliban to pick up their garbage after they get their world-hating asses blown away). Besides, as usual, the left is weak-knee deep in their own hypocrisy: it's a crime to burn the bodies of terrorists left on the battlefield by their cowardly fellow terrorists but, as we all know by now, American contractors can go screw themselves.
Blogs For Bush has an overview of the usual anti-American slant being applied to this tale, and points to Jason Coleman, who offers a non-idiotarian view of the story along with some very interesting facts about the embedded journalists Stephen DuPont and John Martinkus, who filmed and commented about this story.
Euphoric Reality
Bareknuckle Politics
and just for fun, MPAC