Sunday, October 30, 2005


The Great Arab Mistake

"Deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein had secretly accepted a last-minute plan to go into exile to avert the 2003 Iraq war, but Arab leaders shot the proposal down, Al Arabiya television reported today." - The Australian

Captain's Quarters has more on the gross failures of today's Arab leaders both religious and political:
It looks like the Arab League didn't want national leaders removed even if they agreed to leave, regardless of the crimes they committed on their own people. They must have felt that (a) the Bush Administration was bluffing, and/or (b) Saddam could beat the Coalition in the field. Maybe they can explain to the Iraqis who have died in the war that followed exactly why they called Bush's "bluff" with Iraqi blood. It certainly seems, with al-Arabiya's latest reporting, that the Arab League represents the dictatorships at the expense of the Arabs -- not that that should come as any surprise.

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