Friday, September 30, 2005


Media Matters Exposes Itself, Activates Leftist Hysteria

Democratic Party /George Soros front group Media Matters, that model of clarity and intellectual rigor, that ardent watchdog of conservative disinformation, goes after Bill Bennett for making a reductio ad absurdum argument that flies straight over the heads of the fools hammering him. Instead of trying to understand the idea Bennett was expressing, that it’s wrong to decide a moral issue based on economics, leftist weirdos employ their usual manufactured outrage. Following standard practice, the comments sections of the fever swampblogs are awash with personal attacks, character assassination and the usual masturbatory fantasies involving violence against Bennett and/or all non-weirdos, but absolutely devoid of reasoning or intelligence. There are but two exceptions that I have been able to find so far, here and here, and even these can’t put the message across without tossing in a good measure of leftist venom.

For intelligent analysis rather than feigned indignance, you must go here, here, and, if you lefties think you can stand the brilliant light, here.

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