Sunday, September 04, 2005
Fever Swamp Banks Overflow
Ben Stein, a real supporter of the troops and their Commander-In-Chief, has comments and questions in The Spectator on the Post-Katrina Idiocy Syndrome flooding the fever swamp:
Is there any problem in the world that is not Mr. Bush's fault, or have we reverted to a belief in a sort of witchcraft where we credit a mortal man with the ability to create terrifying storms and every other kind of ill wind?
Moving from Mr. Stein's low-key yet firm approach to my old favorite, telling it like it is, I give you a rightfully scornful Ace Of Spades, who will brook no shit from the likes of this little puke.
Arthur Chrenkoff has more examples of the Post-Katrina Idiocy Syndrome. You simply will not believe some of this stuff even gets past a person's sense of simple logic, let alone over the tongue and past the lips. This is almost exclusively a leftist affliction. Of course a scant few cases of PKIS hit outside the home fever swamp, such as an Al Qaeda message that sounds for all the world like the comments section at Democratic Undergarments, but Post-Katrina Idiocy again demonstrates that the more challenges America faces, the more obvious it becomes that in all dimensions, the American left has nothing constructive to offer whatsoever. Nothing.