Monday, September 19, 2005


Fat Bastard And The Friends Of Jihad

Formerly titled, "Spurious George". What can I say, I couldn't ignore LGF's inspirational commenters.

I've been remiss in not addressing last week's Hitchens/Galloway debate. KPFT Radio's hour-long pre-debate show, which became an hour-and-a-half long, was full of mocking inanities by a bevy of antiwar leftist reactionaries. According to the hosts, the delay was caused by all those right-wingers having to be scanned by metal-detectors so that their guns could be confiscated, preventing them from opening fire on the lefties in the crowd. No word as to how many dozens of these gun-toting right-wing animals have been arrested for violating New York's strict gun laws.

Some interesting revelations from these weirdos:
Christopher Hitchens, a sad, sad man, was wooed away from the beloved Nation for a much higher salary at the eeeevil NY Post, as he is a vile mercenary;
Black New Orleans residents were subject to a post-Katrina shoot-to-kill order personally issued by George W. Bush;
Black NO residents were callously abandoned to suffer the worst of Katrina while Bush sat in Crawford and strummed a guitar;
Military recruiters ran amok in the Superdome demanding people join the US Armed Forces;
The American government has enough money to attack Iraq but not enough to help the black poor people (or is that poor black people?);
George Galloway is apparently not a carpetbagger who spent years smelling Saddam's farts;
Antiwar leftist reactionaries still "support the troops" (add two-finger "quote" gestures here).

Hitchens kicked Galloway's rabid ass, that is when Galloway wasn't busy screaming and kicking his own. I enjoyed hearing the sane members of the audience turn on this monumental liar as he stood there, in a hall in New York City, in September, and scolded the throng that they would face even more mass murder through their own fault if they didn't demand the destruction of Isreal, withdraw from Iraq that very night and immediately send all their Katrina money to the Palestinians. But the quote of the evening was Hitchens':

“There are probably some people among you here who fancy yourself as having leftist revolutionary credentials. And, in fact, I can tell that you do by the zoo noises you make and the scars you can demonstrate from your long underground twilight struggle against Dick Cheney. But while you’re masturbating in that manner, the Iraqi secular left…[is] fighting for [its] lives against the most vicious and indiscriminate form of fascist violence that any country in the region has seen for a very long time.”

The debate is not over: Hitchens has promised to commit even more of his valuable time to debunking Galloway's stinking lies. Hitchens has already done much work in that direction; the fruits of his efforts can be read at his website, Hitchen's Web.

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