Tuesday, August 30, 2005


9/11 Commission's Story Collapses

Stephen Hayes of the Weekly Standard has a devastating critique of the 9/11 Commission that addresses the Commission's intentional exclusion of evidence that contradicted its apparently predetermined storyline, evidence that without the Gorelick Wall would have led directly to Mohammed Atta and other hijackers as well as to the Iraqis who assisted them.

A telling line: "It may be the case, as three individuals associated with the Pentagon unit claim, that Able Danger had identified Mohammed Atta in January or February 2000 and that the 9/11 Commission simply ignored this information because it clashed with the commission's predetermined storyline. We should soon know more. Whatever the outcome of that debate, the 9/11 Commission's deliberate exclusion of the Iraqis from its analysis is indefensible."

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