Friday, July 08, 2005


Declaring The Enemy, Part Two: Islamofans

The bombings in London have not only demonstrated once again the black-heartedness of Islamofascists and their supporters in mosques and madrassas and Starbucks' around the globe; they also have prompted a new round of the same idiotic expressions of moral relativism and simpleminded sloganeering that makes the left so dangerous to our existence. In fact, the left is the most predictable element in the entire conflict between Islamofascism and freedom: an Islamist bomb kills innocents in a crowded subway, or an IED kills a Marine in Mosul on his way to yet another mission to sweep these bastards from post-Saddam Iraq, and the useful idiots, the lazy pacifists, the apologists, the deluded, the latte-sipping, biscotti-chewing self-professed sophisticates, the Amerika-haters, can always be counted on to turn up the volume on their never-ending litany of apologies and justifications for the murderous barbarity of their poor, oppressed, misunderstood Islamofascist friends. They will compare Bush to Hitler, cheer the murder and dismemberment of U.S. Marines, then astonishingly declare that no-one had better dare question their patriotism, but they are most assuredly not patriots; one look at the comments at "Screw-em" or DUh reveals that they are indeed facilitators of Islamofascism, dangerous fools, dhimmis; one moment spent listening to a Ted Kennedy or a Dick Durbin will show that they are led by shameless demagogues.

I have in the past referred to the lot of them as dhummies, but that's too breezy and dismissive. In the interest of clarity I will now refer to them as Islamofans, facilitators of Islamofascism, they who deliver the relentless rain of blows against my beloved freedoms, the death by a thousand cuts of my beloved way of life. Islamofans are the enemy among us.

Just as I have called for real Muslims to wake up and smell the chicken-shit piling up in their mosques, I now call on we who treasure our freedoms and wish to preserve them for our children to call out our own Islamofascist facilitators and expose their shockingly careless thinking and moral confusion to the world.

For my Islamofan readers, and you know who you are, there may be hope for your salvation. Victor Davis Hanson will show you the ways in which you are being used by the filthiest, most despicable murderers ever to soil the face of the planet, to join in facilitating the destruction of the most glorious civilization in human history.

"It is our task, each of us according to our station, to speak the truth to all these falsehoods, and remember that we did not inherit a wonderful civilization just to lose it to the Dark Ages."

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