Saturday, July 09, 2005


British Resolve

David Frum shares a message from someone who gets it:

From a reader in central London:
"It is simply ridiculous to state that one of the most important things to do is to grieve. Give me a break. People are free to grieve privately if they wish, but spare me the candle lit marches. I don't care why these people do things like this, they are going to lose. My kids were in school this morning on time, I was on the subway during rush hour, and everyone in my office was here on time, even though we're a stone's throw away from bombs. The Brits whine incessantly about health and safety, but they handle bombers well."
"On September 11 I told my sons that the day they wrap my daughters in burkas every single male member of our family had better be dead. I stand by that today. They can grieve later."

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