Sunday, June 19, 2005
House Dems' Circle Jerk Climaxes In Anti-Israel Hatefest
Senate Democrats scurried to the basement of the Capitol Building to play out a masturbatory mock trial of the Bush White House based on the now apparently "false but accurate" (a la Dan Rather) Downing Street memo. After decorating a small basement conference room in a vain attempt to make the affair look like something other than the farce it was, they got down to their version of business, calling a series of "witnesses", all of whom pronounced President Bush guilty of whatever crimes it is they imagine are described in the evidence burned by Times reporter Michael Smith, or possibly eaten by his dog.
They didn't stop there, however;
The session took an awkward turn when witness Ray McGovern, a former intelligence analyst, declared that the United States went to war in Iraq for oil, Israel and military bases craved by administration "neocons" so "the United States and Israel could dominate that part of the world." He said that Israel should not be considered an ally and that Bush was doing the bidding of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.
"Israel is not allowed to be brought up in polite conversation," McGovern said. "The last time I did this, the previous director of Central Intelligence called me anti-Semitic."
Go figure.
McGovern has since been castigated by Democratic party chairman Howard Dean who, having recently described Republicans as a “white, Christian party” and black Republicans as “hotel staff,” lacks both credibility and authority.
Read it all, because this is the left today: now that they can no longer pretend the rest of America shares their frenzied hatred of George W. Bush, they have taken to elaborately pretending that they can impeach him. We are talking about supposedly responsible peoples' representatives here. What's next from House Democrats-- a mock execution?
They didn't stop there, however;
The session took an awkward turn when witness Ray McGovern, a former intelligence analyst, declared that the United States went to war in Iraq for oil, Israel and military bases craved by administration "neocons" so "the United States and Israel could dominate that part of the world." He said that Israel should not be considered an ally and that Bush was doing the bidding of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.
"Israel is not allowed to be brought up in polite conversation," McGovern said. "The last time I did this, the previous director of Central Intelligence called me anti-Semitic."
Go figure.
McGovern has since been castigated by Democratic party chairman Howard Dean who, having recently described Republicans as a “white, Christian party” and black Republicans as “hotel staff,” lacks both credibility and authority.
Read it all, because this is the left today: now that they can no longer pretend the rest of America shares their frenzied hatred of George W. Bush, they have taken to elaborately pretending that they can impeach him. We are talking about supposedly responsible peoples' representatives here. What's next from House Democrats-- a mock execution?