Thursday, May 05, 2005


Kill Ann Coulter!

I appreciate Ann Coulter and don't quite get those who do not. That means someone somewhere hates me, but that Coulter is vilified by the left gives me great hope. A male student asked Ann this question during a recent college campus appearance: "How do you feel about marriages where the man does nothing but f*ck his wife up the @ss?", or some such.

What is it anyway with the left's constant focus on anal intercourse? I thought their men preferred blowjobs in the Oval Office whilst chatting up a member of Congress or lying to the First Lady over the phone. Anyway, I guess this shmuck was attacking Anne's "dark hatred of non-evil." Whatever.

Coulter later professed on the FOX News network that she had no idea what the young man was hoping to accomplish with that question. No word yet on that - let me know if you can fill me in.

Right Wing News shows us how the dialogue with the left is going these days. "Who wants to live in a world where liberals can't shout through a lecture, run around pretending to masturbate, and generally ruin events for everybody else without suffering any consequences?"


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