Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Bush Unleashes Attack On Terrorist Lair

George W. Bush pressed on against a corrupt UN's designs and attacked Saddam in Iraq. He put the bastard in jail, killed or captured his dummies, imposed a democratic government (of course you can - he just did exactly that) and now the President is going after the organization that is the ultimate front for world terrorism: he has nominated John Bolton as the United States' Ambassador to the U.N. It's bold and brilliant and, like most of Dubya's decisions, will bear fruit for U.S. goals. Bolton will be approved and will then cut a swath at the U.N.

I'm listening to C-SPAN: Is it just me, or does it seem that the Democratic committee members are talking past Mr. Bolton and out to the hometown choir? Everyone knows what happens next: Barbara Boxer relentlessly accuses Bolton of being stupid and wrong and also hanging out with Condoleeza Rice.

Then Bolton will be confirmed.

Or so the Germans would have us believe.

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