Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Post-Easter Reading

This is a couple of days after the fact because I COULD NOT PUBLISH MY BLOG ON BLOGGER LAST NIGHT. Anyway, after a refreshing Easter Weekend on a not-very-remote Pacific island with my favorite wife, I'm home to catch up on the 'sphere. Here we go with a bit of everything:

Roger L. Simon has been working with Claudia Rosett on the latest revelations coming down the
pipe from the Volker Commission, and it doesn't look good for the U.N. But then what does
these days?

Speaking of Oil-For-Food, here's the latest on Happy Jack Chirac. No-one can ever hope to
defend this miscreant and still claim integrity; the two are mutually exclusive. Just thinking
about him makes me want to take a shower.

On the other hand, Happy Jack and friends can no longer repress Iraqis with their greed, and
that's always Good News From Iraq.
In giving us Good News From Iraq Arthur Chrenkoff, James Taranto and Joe Katzman provide a service that shames the efforts of the left to portray Operation Iraqi Freedom as a quaaagmiiire and Iraqis as a bunch of losers.

Meanwhile, back at the WaPo, Paul Krugman once again shits his pants with this breathlessly bigoted declaration:"America isn't yet a place where liberal politicians, and even conservatives who aren't sufficiently hard-line, fear assassination. But unless moderates take a stand against the growing power of domestic extremists, it can happen here."

What poison.

Of course Krugman fails to identify his so-called "domestic extremists" and of course, until he does, his column is entirely without meaning and therefore without merit. As usual. Come on, Paul, make a play.

Recommended Reading: Power Line's John Hindraker weighs in with great force. If you don't read this, you haven't done your damned homework.

April 2 - Captain's Quarters asks, "How come Krugman hasn't written a word about the escalation of actual violence from the Left?"

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