Monday, February 21, 2005
The Canada File: Did Chretién Pimp For Power?
Credit Mark Steyn for another blockbuster (Free subscription req'd):
”For a year, the antiwar crowd had told us it was 'all about oil'--that the only reason Iraq was being 'liberated' was so Bush, Cheney, Halliburton and the rest of the gang could annex in perpetuity the second biggest oil reserves in the world. But, if it was all about oil, then the fact--fact--is that the only Western leader with a direct stake in the issue was not the Texas oilpatch stooge in Washington, but Jean Chrétien: his daughter, his son-in-law and his grandchildren stood to be massively enriched by the Total-Saddam agreement. It depended on two factors: Saddam remaining in power, and the feeble UN sanctions being either weakened into meaninglessness or quietly dropped. M. Chrétien may have refused to join the Iraq war on 'principle,' but fortunately his principles happened to coincide with the business interests of both TotalFinaElf and the Baath party."
Readers will also appreciate these observations at New Sysiphus.
”For a year, the antiwar crowd had told us it was 'all about oil'--that the only reason Iraq was being 'liberated' was so Bush, Cheney, Halliburton and the rest of the gang could annex in perpetuity the second biggest oil reserves in the world. But, if it was all about oil, then the fact--fact--is that the only Western leader with a direct stake in the issue was not the Texas oilpatch stooge in Washington, but Jean Chrétien: his daughter, his son-in-law and his grandchildren stood to be massively enriched by the Total-Saddam agreement. It depended on two factors: Saddam remaining in power, and the feeble UN sanctions being either weakened into meaninglessness or quietly dropped. M. Chrétien may have refused to join the Iraq war on 'principle,' but fortunately his principles happened to coincide with the business interests of both TotalFinaElf and the Baath party."
Readers will also appreciate these observations at New Sysiphus.