Monday, February 14, 2005


Atrocity / Not An Atrocity

I don't expect the MSM to pursue the UN sex-crime rampage in the Congo with the same zealousness they employed in reporting the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuses. Lefties note: Abu Ghraib involved abuses, not atrocities. The murder and desecration of American contractors on the bridge to Fallujah was an atrocity. This UN child rape and porn-ring business in the Congo is an atrocity. See also Nicholas Berg.

Let's review: Raping children placed in your trust by the international community? Atrocity. Underwear on a guy's head? Not not an atrocity.

In other words, you DO believe that when someone has their rights violated, either by being raped or being decapitated, it IS an atrocity.

Well, the prisoners in Iraq were forced to do a lot more than wear their skid-marked Hanes underwear on their heads, you moron. They were held captive by the US, a people who claimed to CARE about them, and made to do things that were totally against their way of life. Ie. Forced to eat pork, held at the mercy of hungry dogs, blindfolded and forced to pose in sexually lewd photographs -- total violations of their basic human rights by a people that were supposed to be championing them.

So yes, it is an atrocity, you fucking retard. And before you go thinking, "Gee, this guy's a no-good Liberal!" (the one ideological term you use, yet likely have know concept of), know that I could care less about both the US or Iraq. I'm simply pointing out your bullshit.
Hey, thanks for the links, I'll have to browse through this blog every now and then in the future.
Leigh, thanks for being my first civil visitor. I'd love to know how you found me.
wino, thanks for being my first visitor. I'd appreciate knowing how you found my blog.

You seem quite committed to confrontational vulgarity; good luck with that.
Here's a look at this Wino McHackenpuke's Blogger profile. I'm thinking "insect".

About Me
I enjoy collecting records, bar glasses, and "politically incorrect" relics from days gone by, which tend infuriate those who try to be on everyone's side. For instance, I have a book from the early '70s, entitled "Teaching the Retarded." Or perhaps you'd like my 1948 issue of LIFE magazine depicting two monkeys that had their skull caps replaced with clear plastic ones in order to "study blood flow in the brain"? No? That lovely photo is framed on the wall above the kitchen table at my parents' house, by the way. I draw cartoons and caricatures, but because I'm often making fun of the majority of people with them, consequently the majority of people don't get to see them. But if you think similarly to me, though, and enjoy poking fun at others I may let you see. I have a pet gerbil--a dead pet gerbil. He died in 1996, but because I had the foresight to carefully put his body in a mason jar and then store him in my chest freezer, he can now exist in this preserved state forever and ever--or at least until science is capable of resurrecting him. In life he was named Dartanion, but should he come back to me, he will be known as Lazarus, Lord of the Rodents.

If you were a wrestler, what would be your finishing move?
I would defecate on my fallen opponent's face.

Records books films crooks; Pringles beer comfort fear; coats shirts and girls who wear skirts.
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