Wednesday, April 27, 2011
My Brother's Keepers: Air America Ex-Host (BIRM) Arrested For Gross Leftist Stupidity. And Really, Is There Any Other Kind?
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Obama 2012: "Hope," "Change" Morph Into "Setbacks" And "Detours"
Friday, April 22, 2011
Rep. Allen West Calls Out Obama As A Marxist Demagogue
I understand Greta's presumption to offer Rep. West a "do-over", but she has to realize that Obama has taken the game way beyond that now, thanks to his latest act as a trash-talkin' campaign-walkin' class-dividin' Don.
Meanwhile, Allen West has Obama's number and he's running right at him:
HT Gateway Pundit!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Barack Obama Unplugged
Via The Right Scoop
Monday, April 11, 2011
Stephen Harper Unplugged
HT Kate at small dead animals.
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Needler-In-Chief: If You Don't Like My High Gas Prices, Trade In Your Car
“If you’re complaining about the price of gas and you’re only getting 8 miles a gallon, you know,” Obama said laughingly. “You might want to think about a trade-in.”In other words, if you don't have the money to buy the gasoline you need, then go buy a new car. Which, when you think about it, pretty much sums up His approach to the economy.
There is a subtext here as well that is worth noting, and that is the AP's initial reportage, which they subsequently completely scrubbed from their site in order to protect their Hero. Here is the screen cap from Instapundit:

Here's the vid, on the off chance you can stand listening to this walking disaster area for even one more second:
Can't wait to see the clip in a Republican campaign ad.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Graham Gets Schooled
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Stanley Kurtz: The Real "Power" Behind Obama's Libyan Adventure
Read the rest here: Samantha Power's PowerKnowing what Samantha Power wants reveals a great deal about Barack Obama’s own ideological commitments. It’s not just a question of whether he shares Power’s long-term internationalist goals, although it’s highly likely that he does. Power’s thinking also represents a bridge of sorts between Obama’s domestic- and foreign-policy aspirations. Beyond that, Power embodies a style of pragmatic radicalism that Obama shares. Both Obama and Power are skilled at placing their ultimate ideological goals just out of sight, behind a screen of practical problem-solving...
Obama may not have been completely frank about the broader ideological goals behind this intervention, and yet the president’s address to the nation, as far as it went, was largely accurate. Fundamentally, our Libyan operation is a humanitarian action, with no clear or inevitable military-strategic purpose beyond that. There is enormous risk here, and no endgame. We might take strategic advantage of our restricted humanitarian action. But we might not, and, in any case, we are under no obligation to do so. For all we know, many of those we’re defending with American aircraft and missiles could be our dedicated terrorist enemies. From the standpoint of traditional calculations of national interest, this war is something akin to madness. Yet without fully articulating it (and that reticence is intentional), Obama and Power are attempting to accustom us to a whole new way of thinking about war, and about America’s place in the world...
Samantha Power has a lot to teach us about Barack Obama. She herself draws analogies between the need to redistribute wealth via health-care coverage and the need to divide military and diplomatic power (and, implicitly, wealth) more evenly through the international system. Power regularly invokes arguments for international law derived from America’s Founders and the West’s great liberal thinkers, as if her goal were the founding of a government of the world. In truth, that is what Power is up to, even if she sees her project as a long-term collective effort necessarily extending beyond her own lifetime.
The novel doctrine of “responsibility to protect,” which Power means the Libyan action to enshrine in international law, could someday be used to justify military intervention to impose a “two-state solution” on Israel (apparently this is one of Power’s longstanding goals, although she now disavows it). The International Criminal Court, which Power has long defended, may someday enable the leftist Europeans who run it to place American soldiers and politicians on trial for supposed war crimes. The Obama administration’s troubling acquiescence in the development of sweeping international prohibitions on “aggression” may one day make virtually any use of force not pre-approved by the United Nations subject to international sanctions. These are the long-term goals of Power’s policies, although they are seldom confessed or discussed.
MSNBC Freakshow: Mika Brezinzki Loses It On Air
Monday, April 04, 2011
The Goldstone Report Fiasco
He lent his name to a lengthy report issued under the auspices of the United Nations Human Rights Council. The report accused Israel of massive war crimes in the war Israel waged against Hamas in 2008-2009, commenced by Israel after Hamas and friends had fired more than 12,000 rockets at Israel (every one of which was criminal).Johnson evokes the comments of John Podhoretz:
Jonathan Tobin, Ron Radosh, Jeffrey Goldberg and Melanie Philips also figure, as does Peter Berkowitz. Read it all.That Richard Goldstone did not know in 2009 that Hamas is a terrorist monstrosity which functions parasitically off civilian populaces while Israel is a beacon of war-fighting restraint in a manner practically unknown in the course of human history suggests even more plainly than the report itself that he is a dupe, a fool, a clown, and a worldwide embarrassment. Not to mention a special kind of reprehensible and appalling figure of inglorious, hideous shame to his own people through the delivery and promulgation of a false document that helped anti-Semites everywhere feel themselves justified.
He was then, and is now, an entirely despicable public figure--and so is his op-ed, by the way, which continues to act as though it is appropriate to draw parallel inferences about Hamas and the state of Israel. It would be right for world Jewry that his name be hereafter summoned as we summon Benedict Arnold's, or Tokyo Rose's.